GENERAL VIEW OF THE CRIMINAL LAW OF ENGLAND 1ST EDITIONStephen, Sir James FitzjamesItem #: 59305 Pages: xii, 499 pp. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 1863. Reprinted in 2005. Subjects: CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURE, UNITED KINGDOM Stephen explores English law exclusive of penal actions, ofoffences punishable by summary proceedings beforemagistrates and of special offences intended as sanctionsfor special statutory institutions but including all otheracts commonly known as crimes. Holdsworth observed: "it wasprobably the best modern history of a particular branch ofEnglish law that had yet appeared in England. It won highpraise from Pollock and Maitland...Though the more intensivestudy of the earlier history of our law has rendered somepart of it obsolete, it is still the best history of thelater stages of the law". The Historians of Anglo-AmericanLaw 77-78.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |