COURT-HAND RESTORED, OR, THE STUDENT'S ASSISTANT IN READING OLD DEEDS, CHARTERS, RECORDS, ETC....Wright, AndrewItem #: 59723 Pages: xviii, 99 pp. Published: London; Reeves and Turner; 1879. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: DICTIONARIES, LEGAL HISTORY, UNITED KINGDOM Reprint of the ninth edition, the final edition with full-size plates. Law-French and Latin were falling out of use bythe time they were finally abolished in England by statutein 1733. These languages and their conventions had becomeesoteric by the time Wright's volume appeared. Written by amember of the last generation to master them in the courseof his legal education, it was intended to be a kind ofRosetta stone for the contemporary barrister and scholar.Long a standard work, this reference went through teneditions by 1912. The ninth edition is preferred because ithas better plates (derived from cooper engravings ratherthan photostats). It remains an indispensable guide whenconsulting early charters, deeds or records.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |