INTERNATIONAL LAW AND DIPLOMACY OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WARBenton, Elbert J.Item #: 59744 Pages: 300 pp. Published: Baltimore; The Johns Hopkins Press; 1908. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, INTERNATIONAL LAW, LEGAL HISTORY, MILITARY LAW This work offers an analysis that now seems frozen in amber,drawing on the example of Le Fur's Etude sur la GuerreHispano-Americaine de 1898, Envisagee au Point de Vue duDroit International Public (1899) and similar studies.Benton set out to provide an exploration of Spanish-Americanrelations prior to and during the war. Though a criticalwork, it leans heavily toward a pro-American point of view.For instance, Benton says that American military anddiplomatic objectives were achieved to varying degrees, thatat the end of the conflict, Cuba was granted completesovereignty and that the treaty of peace was fulfilled. Heends with the recognition that "the occasion of the recentintervention provided for in the Platt Amendment is outsidethe scope of this work" (291). Reprinted by The LawbookExchange, Ltd. Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |