JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION FOR FRAMING A CONSTITUTION OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY, FROM THE COMMENCEMENT OF THEIR FIRST SESSION, SEPTEMBER 1, 1779, TO...MassachusettsItem #: 60294 Pages: 264 pp. Published: Boston; Dutton and Wentworth, Printers to the St; 1832. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, LEGAL HISTORY, STATE LAW This work was published under order of the MassachusettsLegislature in 1832 to preserve the historical documentscontaining the proceedings of commonwealth's foundingfathers for the state's Constitutional Convention, whichthen proposed the state of "Massachusetts Bay." The workcontains all discussions and meetings leading up to theadoption, and an address to the people. A comprehensiveappendix is included. "The Appendix (pp.189-264) containsthree drafts of the constitution and the Amendments of1821 and 1831." - Morris Cohen, Bibliography of EarlyAmerican Law (3140)