TRIAL OF EDWARD MARCUS DESPARD, ESQUIRE. FOR HIGH TREASON, AT THE SESSION HOUSE, NEWINGTON, SURRY, ON MONDAY THE SEVENTH OF FEBRUARY, 1803Gurney, Joseph; Gurney, William BrodieItem #: 60506 Pages: 276 pp. Published: Philadelphia; M. Gurney, Bookseller, Holborn-Hill; 1803. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: CIVIL PROCEDURE, JURISPRUDENCE, MILITARY LAW, UNITED KINGDOM The work is the account of a trial for conspiracy for theassassination of King George III of England. Despard wasamong a number of English subjects accused of being membersof a secret association whose purpose was to assassinate theking, take over the Bank of England and the Tower of Londonwhere weapons were stored. The defendants were also accusedof conspiring to disrupt the mail service. Following 25minutes of deliberation, Despard was found guilty. The workincludes the paragraph long verdict, Lord Ellenborough'sspeech on passing sentence and a brief summary of theexecution of the prisoners. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |