CONSTITUTIONAL DOCTRINES OF JUSTICE HARLANClark, Floyd BarziliaItem #: 60565 Pages: ix, 208 pp. Published: Baltimore; The Johns Hopkins Press; 1915. Reprinted in 2004. Subjects: BIOGRAPHY/WRITINGS ON LEGAL MINDS, CIVIL RIGHTS, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, LEGAL HISTORY During his long tenure on the U.S. Supreme Court JohnMarshall Harlan wrote numerous dissenting opinions oneverything from civil rights to the federal income tax.Though many aspects of his dissents gained majorities afterhis death, such as in civil rights cases (1883) and Plessyv. Ferguson (1896). Viewed as a whole his emphasis on thesocial consequences of decisions rather than their adherenceto abstract legal principles pointed the way toward the workof Pound and Llewellyn. Clark offers an excellentintroduction to Harlan's doctrines regarding civil rights,the suability of states, impairment of the obligation ofcontracts, interstate and foreign commerce, and other topicsthat is valuable for its balance of summary andinterpretation. Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |