HISTORY OF THE LAST TRIAL BY JURY FOR ATHEISM IN ENGLAND: A FRAGMENT OF AUTOBIOGRAPHY, SUBMITTED FOR THE PERUSAL OF HER MAJESTY'S...Holyoake, George JacobItem #: 60607 Pages: vi, 100 pp. Published: London; James Watson; 1851. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: LAW REFORM, RELIGION/THEOLOGY & THE LAW, UNITED KINGDOM Holyoake, a notable free-thinking socialist lecturer andself-described "agitator," was the last person in Englandindicted for blasphemy based on remarks during a debateafter one of his speaking engagements. Though convicted, heemerged the moral victor. As his account of the trialindicates, he defended his position eloquently. And hisstirring critique of the blasphemy laws did much toundermine their validity in the popular mind.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |