COMMENTARIES ON THE CONFLICT OF LAWS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, IN REGARD TO CONTRACTS, RIGHTS, AND REMEDIES AND ESPECIALLY IN REGARD TO MARRIAGES, DIVORCES....FIRST EDITIONStory, JosephItem #: 60699 Pages: xxv, 557 pp. Published: Boston; Hilliard, Gray and Company; 1834. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: CONTRACTS, CONFLICT OF LAWS, COMPARATIVE LAW, FAMILY LAW The first edition of the work that not only became the legalstandard in the United States, but also abroad. " isnot too much to say that its publication constituted anepoch in the law; for it became at once the standard andalmost the sole authority. It was reprinted almostimmediately in England, France and Germany, and received thehonor of being practically the first American law book to becited as authority in the English courts." - Warren: 545."Story's Conflict of Laws, which appeared in 1834, thoughthe work of an American lawyer, forthwith systemized, onemight almost say created a whole branch of the law ofEngland." - Dicey:365.