COMPILATION OF SELECTED ACTS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE, INCLUDING COMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1934Item #: 60700 Pages: xxi, 913 pp. Published: Washington; U.S. GPO; 2005. Reprinted in 2006. This comprehensive government manual updates the multi-faceted U.S. Communications Law through August 2005,including the Telecommunications Act of 1996; CommunicationsSatellite Act of 1962; National Telecommunications andInformation Administration Organization Act; TelephoneDisclosure and Dispute Resolution Act; CommunicationsAssistance for Law Enforcement Act and includes additionalcommunications statutes and selected provisions from theU.S. Code. Many amendments reflect updates in theCommunications Law to consider the impacts of the Internet,such as the Can-Spam Act of 2003 and Children's Online