IMPERIAL CONTROL OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE IN THE THIRTEEN AMERICAN COLONIES 1684-1776Washburne, George AdrianItem #: 60947 Pages: 191 pp. Published: Irvington; Columbia University Press; 1923. Reprinted in 2006. Series: COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN HISTORY, ECONOMICS AND PUBLIC LAW Subjects: ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION, LEGAL HISTORY, UNITED KINGDOM Reprint of a title in the Columbia University series Studiesin History, Economics and Public Law. The British governmentwas certain that their colonies in the new world would begoverned by English law. They were not certain, however,about the actual mechanisms of colonial law. The developmentof the legal system in the thirteen colonies, and the wayEnglish institutions were adapted to colonial conditions, isteh subject of this monograph. Impressively documented, itis founded on original research based on manuscript sourcesin the United States and Great Britain.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |