LAW RELATING TO WORKS OF LITERATURE AND ART EMBRACING THE LAW OF COPYRIGHT, THE LAW RELATING TO NEWSPAPERS, LAW RELATING TO CONTRACTS BETWEEN AUTHORS, PUBLISHERS...Shortt, JohnItem #: 61166 Pages: xxxii, 780 pp. Published: London; Horace Cox; 1871. Reprinted in 2007. Subjects: INTELLECTUAL & INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY "The author has presented to the profession and the publican exceedingly useful textbook on everything relating to thelaw of literature and art. It is a work displaying greatindustry and very considerable power of generalization." -Law Mag. & Rev. Both Branches Leg. Prof. Home & Abroad 4thSesr. 168 (1872). The preface states that the work isintended to provide a compilation of all laws relating toliterature and art aimed towards the legal profession and"those engaged in literary and artistic pursuits, whether aseditors, or publishers, with a complete statement of the lawbearing on the subjects of their important labors." Appendixincludes statutes, instructions to register copyright anduseful forms. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |