Item #: 61283
Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co. Inc.; 1833. Reprinted in 2007.
The Congressional Globe is a summary of the U.S.Congressional sessions from the 1st Session of the 23rdCongress, 1833, through the end of the 2nd Session of the42nd Congress, 1873, in all, 46 volumes in 109 books. TheGlobe is the third of the four series of publications thatsummarize the Congressional debates. It was preceded by theAnnals of Congress and the Register of Debates and succeededby today's foremost source of Congressional information, theCongressional Record. Initially, the Globe comprised anabstract of proceedings, but in 1851 (32nd Congress) itmoved closer to verbatim reporting.
Hardbound/DVD |
Item | Type | Price | | 46 volumes in 109 books plus 6-disc DVD | Per Set | $23,495.00 | Order
Hardbound |
Item | Type | Price | | 46 volumes in 109 books | Per Set | $22,995.00 | Order
Item | Type | Price | | 6-disc DVD | Per Set | $3,995.00 | Order
Hardbound |
Item | Type | Price | | | Per Volume | $250.00 | Order