CIVIL LIBERTIES IN WARTIME LEGISLATIVE HISTORIES OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT OF 1917 AND THE SEDITION ACT OF 1918Manz, William H.Item #: 61285 Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 2007. Subjects: CIVIL RIGHTS, LEGISLATIVE HISTORY The controversies arising from the renewal of the USAPatriot Act have focused new attention on the Espionage Actof 1917, a World War I enactment which broadened wartimegovernment jurisdiction over speech, the press anddissenters. As enforced, the Act resulted in the broadestattack on civil liberties in American history. The SeditionAct of 1918 was quickly repealed after World War I, but theEspionage Act of 1917 remains in effect. Since then, theAct's provisions have been invoked only sporadically. Mostrecently in 2006, when a congressman suggested that the NewYork Times may have violated the Act. This compilationincludes many hard-to-obtain documents related to theselaws' legislative history, including the major billversions, the complete congressional debate, reports andhearings.