COLLECTANEA MARITIMA; BEING A COLLECTION OF PUBLIC INSTRUMENTS, &C. &C. TENDING TO ILLUSTRATE THE HISTORY AND PRACTICE OF PRIZE LAWRobinson, Sir ChristopherItem #: 61297 Published: London; W. Wilson; 1801. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: ADMIRALTY, COMMERCIAL LAW Robinson, a doctor of civil law, an advocate of Doctor'sCommons, and the editor of an important series of admiraltyreports, argues that prize law is governed by body ofprinciples derived from the "immemorial usage and Customsof the Sea" (iii) that were revealed over time in treatiesand other legal documents. He supports his argument throughannotated excerpts from the Consolato del Mare and otherEnglish and Continental documents from the fourteenththrough eighteenth century (in translation). It is aninteresting thesis argued with a sophisticated blend ofideas from the civil and common law. From a historical pointof view, Robinson's remarks on landmark texts on prize lawoffer important insights into their English reception at thedawn of the Napoleonic Wars. Reprinted by The LawbookExchange, Ltd. Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |