TREATISE ON THE LAW OF INSURANCEPhillips, WillardItem #: 61771 Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co. Inc.; 1854. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: MEDICAL LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE, ROMAN LAW Willard Phillips' Treatise on the Law of Insurance set thestandard for treatises on the insurance industry. Itparticularly was renowned as an authority on marineinsurance. The work contains judicial decisions in the areasof Premiums, Representation and Concealment; ImpliedWarranties, Conditions and Stipulations, and relating toRisk Coverage. "In Company v. Assocation, 22 Q.B.D.587 LordEsher said it was the book on which he placed most reliancein cases of marine insurance"...Marke, A Catalogue of theLaw Collection of New York University, (1953) 556, of theFifth Edition, 1867.