COMPENDIOUS AND COMPREHENSIVE LAW DICTIONARY; ELUCIDATING THE TERMS AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF LAW AND EQUITYWilliams, Thomas WalterItem #: 61800 Pages: unpaginated Published: London; Gale and Fener; 1816. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: DICTIONARIES Reprint of the only edition of an uncommon dictionary. Oneof several English dictionaries published in the early 19thcentury, Williams' dictionary is notable for its physicalsize and broad scope. Williams noted that his aim was toinclude more words and shorter definitions by omitting theextraneous detail that distinguished the work of hispredecessors (and, presumably, his competitors). Williamswas a barrister of the Inner Temple and was called to thebar, but he didn't have success as a pleader. He was knowninstead for his writings. In addition to his dictionary, hewrote manuals justices of the peace, compiled abridgmentsand digests and edited an edition of William Sheppard's ThePrecedent of Precedents.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |