SURVEY ON LAW LIBRARY LIAISON SERVICESWright, MatthewItem #: 61921 Printed: 2007. Series: AALL PUBLICATIONS SERIES, BRIEFS IN LAW LIBRARIANSHIP SERIES Subjects: LIBRARIANSHIP This Brief examines the use of liaison services in academiclaw libraries. Very little has been written about the use offaculty liaison services, yet one sees it listed as a jobrequirement on many job postings to law-lib and otherlistservs. Many law school web sites advertise their liaisonservice or promote the use of a "Faculty ServicesLibrarian." This survey was an attempt to elicit moreinformation about how law schools are using liaisonservices. Seventy-two ABA accredited law school librariesresponded to the survey, and fifty schools have a formalliaison program or a designated librarian for facultyservices. Part two of this Brief contains a literaturereview. Part three provides the text of the survey. Partfour summarizes the survey data, and part five containsappendices and job descriptions.