GRUTTER V. BOLLINGER AND GRATZ V. BOLLINGER LITIGATION DOCUMENTS A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN HIGHER EDUCATIONJayasuriya, Kumar PercyItem #: 62629 Printed: 2007. Subjects: CIVIL RIGHTS, LEGAL EDUCATION, LEGISLATIVE HISTORY Chronicles the Supreme Court affirmative action cases ofGratz v. Bollinger and Grutter v. Bollinger in which theCourt addressed the legality of race-based admissionspolicies in higher education. Contained herein are allbriefs submitted to the Supreme Court, the transcripts ofthe two Supreme Court oral arguments, the lower courtopinions, and the final decisions of the two cases. Abibliography lists affirmative action scholarship publishedafter the Court granted cert on the Grutter and Gratz cases.This compilation in intended as a learning tool as well asa historical record. Most importantly, the documentsillustrate the strategies and various writing styles of manyappellate briefs.