POWER TO REGULATE CORPORATIONS AND COMMERCE A DISCUSSION OF THE EXISTENCE, BASIS, NATURE AND SCOPE OF THE COMMON LAW OF THE UNITED STATESHendrick, FrankItem #: 62663 Pages: lxxii, 516 pp. Published: OE; Longmans Green and Co.; Reprinted in 2007. Subjects: BUSINESS/ECONOMICS, COMMERCIAL LAW, TRADE REGULATION Written in 1906, this volume attempts to define the limitswithin which the federal and state governments may controlcommerce and corporations and to indicate the respectivepowers of the three departments of governent in the exerciseof such control. The relationship of the three departmentsof the government of the United States to one another and tothose of the state governments in the control of interstatecommerce and corporations is set forth with reference toover two thousand cases involving questions ofconstitutional law. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |