HISTORY OF THE BENCH AND BAR OF CALIFORNIA: BEING BIOGRAPHIES OF MANY REMARKABLE MEN, A STORE OF HUMOROUS AND PATHETIC RECOLLECTIONS, ACCOUNTS OF IMPORTANT...Shuck, Oscar T.Item #: 63004 Pages: 1152 pp. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; Reprinted in 2007. Subjects: BIOGRAPHY/WRITINGS ON LEGAL MINDS An invaluable compilation of legal lore, much of it based onfirst and second-hand accounts, this work offers a historyof the early years of the California bench and bar. Contentsinclude "Recovery of the Pious Fund" by John Thomas Doyle,"Irrigation Laws and Decisions of California" by John DowneyWorks "Adoption of the Common Law," Tragic History of theSharon Cases" and "The Field of Honor: Historic Duels inCalifornia" by Oscar Tully Schuck, "Lynch Law in California"by John Francis Davis and "The Early Bench and Bar of SanJose" by John Evan Richards.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |