SKETCHES OF AMERICAN POLICY UNDER THE FOLLOWING HEADS: I. THEORY OF GOVERNMENT. II. GOVERNMENTS ON THE EASTERN CONTINENT. III. AMERICAN STATES; OR THE...Webster, NoahItem #: 63511 Pages: 48 pp. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; Reprinted in 2007. Although Webster is remembered as a lexicographer he wasequally active as a political writer. He composed Sketchesof American Policy at a time when the nationally mindedsegments of the political class were beginning to pursueplans to create a strong federal government to replace theConfederation Congress. Webster endorsed this cause andwrote this pamphlet to promote it. The pamphlet circulatedwidely among the delegates to the Constitutional Convention,and was an important influence in their debates.Interesting for this reason, it is equally valuable as acontemporary critique of the Articles of Confederation by agifted scholar who associated with the leading statesmen ofthe day.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |