CALIFORNIA LEGAL RESEARCH HANDBOOK SECOND EDITIONDershem, Larry D.Item #: 63703 Pages: xiv, 472p. Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 2008. Series: STATE-SPECIFIC LEGAL RESEARCH GUIDES, CALIFORNIA LEGAL RESEARCH HANDBOOK Subjects: LEGAL PROFESSION, STATE LAW The purpose of this book is to teach law students, paralegalstudents, and attorneys the basic skills needed for doinglegal research in California. This book differs from otherlegal research treatises in that it is designed specificallyfor California practitioners. California primary andsecondary sources are discussed in detail, as well asfederal primary and secondary authority. Non-Californiastate law resources are discussed only to the extent thatthey might be encountered by California attorneys andparalegals. This text should prove to be an ideal textbookfor legal research and legal bibliography courses taught inlaw schools or legal assistant programs. It will serve wellas a legal reference source, and belongs in the lawlibraries of all California practitioners.See 1st edition at Hein item #321000.