LA GRAUNDE ABRIDGEMENT COLLECTE PAR LE IUDGE TRESREVEREND MONSIEUR ANTHONY FITZHERBERT, DERNIERMENT CONFERRE QUESSQUE LA COPYE ESCRIPT ET PER CEO...Item #: 64351 Published: Boston; Little, Brown & Co.; Reprinted in 2008. One of the most imposing volumes in the history of Englishlaw, it has abridgements of over 14,000 cases under 260titles in alphabetical order. First printed around 1514, itwas the first serious attempt to arrange the lawsystematically, and served as a model to such writers asBrooke and Rolle. According to Boersma, Fitzherbertaccomplished "nothing less that to abridge all notes ofsignificant cases at common law." Graham and Heckel refer tothis work as the "book that 'made' the Common Law.": LawLibrary Journal 51 (1957: 100-101. Cowley, A Bibliographyof Abridgments, Digest, Dictionaries and Indexes to the Year1800 32. Beale, Bibliography of Early English Law BooksR 467, R 468.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |