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Beard, Charles A.

Item #: 64514

Pages: ix, 474 pp.
Published: OE; Macmillan Co.; Reprinted in 2007.

One of America's greatest and most versatile historians,Beard was especially interested in the relationship ofeconomics and politics. His 1913 study An Economic Interpre-tation of the Constitution, though often disputed andpartially discredited, is among the most important andinfluential studies of the U.S. Constitution. Intended as asequel, Economic Origins of Jeffersonian Democracy appliesthe argument of his first book to the political history ofthe U.S. from the ratification period to the end of theJefferson administration. Like his other work it is broad inscope and considers the influence of social and culturaldevelopments. It is an excellent source for studentsinterested in the extra-legal background of early Americanlaw. Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

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