DIGITAL EVIDENCE: COMPUTER FORENSICS AND LEGAL ISSUES ARISING FROM COMPUTER INVESTIGATIONSHannon, MichaelItem #: 65144 Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 2012. Subjects: CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURE, CIVIL PROCEDURE, LEGAL EDUCATION Contents This book explains some of the most important issues thatarise when computers, digital devices and networks, whichare increasingly used to create, store and communicateinformation, are the focus of investigation and potentialuse in a criminal or civil matter. This book covers severaltopics: basic hard drive and file system technology,computer forensic concepts, and several important FourthAmendment issues that are triggered by the seizure andsearches of computers, as well as the three federal statutesthat form the Electronic Communications Privacy Act andwhich provide some privacy protection for Internetcommunications such as e-mail. Examples from publishedappellate cases are used to illustrate the various technicaland legal issues.