INSTITUTES OF JUSTINIAN, WITH ENGLISH INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATION, AND NOTESSandars, Thomas CollettItem #: 65587 Pages: lxxx, 608pp. Published: OE; Bureau of National Literature; Reprinted in 2007. Subjects: JURISPRUDENCE, LEGAL HISTORY, ROMAN LAW Reprint of the 7th and final edition of one of the finesttranslations of the Institutes. The work includes Latin andEnglish text with English commentary. Commissioned by theEmperor Justinian in 530 CE, the body of writings knowncollectively as the Corpus Juris Civilis restated allexisting Roman law. It has four components: the Code,Novels, Institutes and Digest. Intended for students, theInstitutes is a synopsis of the reformed legal system.Rediscovered during the late middle ages, it has been thecentral textbook of Roman law ever since. Sandars publishedhis edition in 1853. The quality of the translation and theexcellence of its notes assured its success. Immediatelypopular, it went through seven editions and several issues.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |