JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION OF POLITICAL THEORY A STUDY IN THE RELATION OF THE COURTS TO THE AMERICAN PARTY SYSTEMBizzell, William BennettItem #: 66078 Pages: v, 273 pp. Published: OE; G.P. Putnam; Reprinted in 2008. Subjects: JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION, POLITICAL SCIENCE Reprint of the sole edition. This volume consists in themain of a series of lectures delivered at the IllinoisCollege of Law in 1910. "The writer had no idea at the timethe original lectures were prepared that the courts ofthe country were destined to come in for such a wide shareof political attention as they have in so short a time. Butsuch a study as this must convince any one that theincreased opportunity of the courts to pass on questions ofpartisan and political views must eventually direct thepublic more and more to this unusual power of the courts,and that the courts will not be able to escape popularcriticism" (iv).Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |