GENERAL TREATISE ON STATUTES THEIR RULES OF CONSTRUCTION, AND THE PROPER BOUNDARIES OF LEGISLATION AND OF JUDICIAL INTERPRETATIONDwarris, Sir Fortunatus; Potter, PlattItem #: 66503 Pages: xxiv, 693 pp. Published: OE; William Gould and Sons; Reprinted in 2009. Subjects: JURISPRUDENCE, LEGAL HISTORY Final American edition. Dwarris' Treatise is a work upon theconstruction and interpretation of statutes andconstitutions, made valuable to the American practitioner bythe work of the New York jurist, Platt Potter. It includes"an excellent statutory history of the English law frommagna Carta down to the end of the reign of George IV."Sweet and Maxwell, A Legal Bibliography of the BritishCommonwealth of Nations I:547(6). (Citing English editionsonly.)Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |