GROTIUS ON THE RIGHTS OF WAR AND PEACE: AN ABRIDGED TRANSLATIONGrotius, Hugo; Whewell, WilliamItem #: 66504 Pages: xxxix, 485 pp. Published: OE; John W. Parker; Reprinted in 2009. Subjects: INTERNATIONAL LAW, LEGAL HISTORY First published in Paris in 1625, this landmark workestablished the framework of modern international law.Grotius describes the situations in which war is a validtool of law enforcement and outlines the principles of armedcombat. Though based on Christian natural law, Grotiusadvanced the novel argument that his system would be validif it lacked a divine basis. In this regard he pointed tothe future by moving international law in a seculardirection. This edition was abridged by removing most of thequotations, which are identified in footnotes. As Whewellstates in the preface, these quotations from "ancienthistorians, orators, philosophers and poets" tended toconfuse the subject, obscure clarity and weary the reader."Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |