HOLOCAUST: SELECTED DOCUMENTS IN EIGHTEEN VOLUMESMendelson, John; Detweiler, Donald S.Item #: 68890 Published: OE; London: A. Maxwell; Reprinted in 2009. Subjects: EUROPEAN COMMUNITY "The present collection represents a carefully selecteddocumentary history of the persecution of the Jews that tookplace during the twelve years from the accession of Hitlerin 1933 to the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945." JohnMendelsohn, Introduction to the Series, Volume I. Eachvolume is composed of facsimiles of esssential records ofthe Holocaust arranged both topically and chronologically.The volumes are grouped topically as follows: Planning andPreparation (7 vols.), The Killing of the Jews (6 vols.),Rescue Attempts (3 vols.) and Punishment (2 vols.).Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |