INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY A GLOBAL DIRECTORY OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSCavicchi, Jon R.Item #: 69127 Pages: xvi, 392p. Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 2011. Subjects: INTELLECTUAL & INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Provides the first directory specifically for IP acronyms -a groundbreaking resource that belongs in academic librariesaround the globe. In the legal field IP has expanded beyondpatent, trademark and copyright to include industrialdesign, intellectual capital and asset management, tradesecrets, rights of publicity, cultural and moral rights,traditional knowledge, unfair competition, semiconductoracts, biodiversity law and more. Part I of the Directoryenables users to search for the meaning of abbreviations andacronyms and Part II allows them to locate the abbreviationsfor titles, terms and names used in legal literature. TheDirectory includes abbreviations established bywell-recognized authorities as well as abbreviationsotherwise devised by print and Web authors in their effortsto shorten legal references and citations.