INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF LAW.Pound, RoscoeItem #: 7017 Pages: 307p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2003. Subjects: LEGAL EDUCATION, LEGAL PROFESSION, POLITICAL SCIENCE Pound's Introduction outlines the philosophical foundationsthat support Anglo-American common law. A written versionof the Storrs Lectures delivered at Yale University duringthe academic year 1921-1922. "Dean Pound has given us aclear, concise introduction to the philosophy of the law.It is so concise that it is impossible to summarize it so asto give any idea of its wealth of learning...An excellent,impartial and concise presentation of the subject..."William Herbert Page, Harvard Law Review 36: 115-117 citedin Marke, A Catalogue of the Law Collection at New YorkUniversity (1953) 922.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |