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Taylor, Telford

Item #: 70208

Pages: xxiii, 224 pp.
Published: OE; Quadrangle Books; Reprinted in 2010.

A title in The Lawbook Exchange series, Foundations of theLaws of War. Originally published three years before thewithdrawal of U.S. troops in 1973, this important book isnot a polemic, but a sober account of the Vietnam conflictfrom the perspective of international law. Framed inreference to the Nuremberg Trials that followed the SecondWorld War, it describes problems the United States may haveto face due to its involvement in the Vietnam conflict.After presenting a general history of war crimes and anaccount of the Nuremberg Trials, Taylor turns his attentionto Vietnam. He also examines parallels between actionscommitted by American troops during the then-recent My LaiMassacre of 1968 and Hitler's SS in Nazi-occupied Europe.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

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