CONFIDENCE IN THE COURTROOM UNDERSTANDING THE FEDERAL RULES OF EVIDENCEHeadley, James; Osborn, CoreyItem #: 70257 Printed: 2010. Subjects: CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURE, JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION Provides a concise and practical guide to the rules ofevidence that are used in mock trials and real trials, mostof which are based on the federal rules of evidence. Thebook begins with a discussion and explanation of the rulesregarding relevance, as relevance is foundational to under-standing rules of evidence. Then hearsay rules, rulesregarding witnesses and testimony, and rules regardingfoundation and exhibits are explained in a logical andunderstandable way. This book is intended for use byundergraduate mock trial students, law students, advocacystudents, lawyers, and others interested in studying,understanding, and applying rules of evidence in trials ofall sorts.