MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS ON JEWISH INMATES OF CONCENTRATION CAMPS HOLOCAUST SERIES - VOLUME 9Item #: 70325 Pages: xvi, 245 pp. Published: Washington; American Institute of Int'l. Law; Reprinted in 2010. Subjects: EUROPEAN COMMUNITY The killing of Jews and others by injection or gassing wasfirst carried out in sanatoria and described as euthanasia.In concentration camps these killings were continuedtogether with various medical or pseudo-medical experimentsusing human beings as guinea pigs. The documentationreproduced in this volume concentrates on the euthanasia, aswell as the sterilization experiments, and also on theskeleton collection. About 100 Jews were selected, killedand defleshed in order to obtain their skeletons for acollection at the University of Strassburg that was todocument how the "extinct" Jews were "sub-human". Contains30 documents of source materials, carefully chosen from thethousands preserved at the U.S. National Archives.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |