JEWISH MARRIAGE CONTRACT: A STUDY IN THE STATUS OF THE WOMAN IN JEWISH LAW.Epstein, Louis M.Item #: 7167 Pages: 316p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2004. Subjects: FAMILY LAW, JEWISH LAW, PROPERTY, WOMEN & THE LAW A cogent and compelling examination of the history andsignificance of the Jewish marriage contract, the Ketubah,with extensive notes in Hebrew and English. As Epsteinnotes in the preface, the Ketubah offers an excellentintroduction to the character of Jewish marriage because itis not a sentimental, rhetorical or subjective text.Instead, it is "a legal document embodying the essentialpoints agreed upon by the parties and sanctioned by the lawas to the manner of their living together as husband andwife" (2). This work will interest those concerned withproperty rights, family, divorce, and the evolution ofbetrothal and marriage.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |