ANNUAL REVIEW OF POPULATION LAWItem #: 720 Subjects: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW For 25 years, the Annual Review of Population Law monitoredlaws and policies relating to population regulation anddistribution from all countries of the world. The projectwas initiated shortly after the conclusion of the 1974 WorldPopulation Conference in response to a recommendation in thePlan of Action adopted by the Conference that laws havinga direct or indirect impact on the rate of population growthbe closely followed. From the outset, research for thepublication has utilized the resources of the Harvard LawSchool Library. During the time of its hardcopy publication,principal funding came from the United Nations PopulationFund (UNFPA).Bound as: (1-4), (5-7), (21-22), (23-24) Volume 8-20 bound individually Please contact us to request purchasing information. |