LAW OF FIDUCIARY DUTIESItem #: 8273 Published: Topanga; R.J. Chodos, Inc.; Subjects: JURISPRUDENCE, LEGAL EDUCATION, LEGAL PROFESSION Written in a style for both lawyers and lay people, thiswork is full of stories, anecdotes, hypothetical cases,references to related fields, and "legal fairy tales" whichillustrate the principles of law in an entertaining way. Italso traces the development of the law in this area fromHammurabi through Roman law, Jewish law, Medieval law, andearly Anglo-American law.The CD-Rom allows for advanced searching, and also containssound files of the author reading "rule bites". Purchasersalso have access to the author's website, which containsregular updates to cases and related ideas.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |