LAW OF THE FEDERAL AND STATE CONSTITUTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES, WITH A CHRONOLOGICAL STUDY OF THEIR PRINCIPLES, A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF ENGLISH SOCIAL LEGISLATION AND...Stimson, Frederic JesupItem #: 8362 Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2003. Subjects: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, COMPARATIVE LAW, POLITICAL SCIENCE, STATE LAW Stimson wrote this study in response to the rapid develop-ment of constitution law that took place around the turn ofthe century, which he attributes to the social impact ofmodern industrial capitalism. He notes that the enormousvolume of cases regarding "obligation of contract" and"commerce among the states" indicates a general shift in thefield from cases dealing with the federal constitution orindividual state constitutions to cases involving severalconstitutions. This book was conceived as a guide to thisnew terrain. It continues to be an excellent comparativestudy of the federal and state constitutions. Stimsonincludes a history of the provisions in each constitutionand their origins. "A Valuable piece of the fieldof legal and constitutional... Reprinted by LawbookExchange, Ltd. Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |