LAW WRITERS AND THE COURTS THE INFLUENCE OF THOMAS M. COOLEY, CHRISTOPHER G. TIEDEMAN, AND JOHN F. DILLON UPON AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAWJacobs, Clyde E.Item #: 8458 Pages: X, 223 Published: Berkeley; University of California Press; 1954. Reprinted in 2001. Subjects: BIOGRAPHY/WRITINGS ON LEGAL MINDS, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW In the post-Civil War era, three writers (Thomas M. Cooley,Christopher G. Tiedeman, and John F. Dillon) can be con-sidered to be responsible for the popularity of two legalprinciples related to a laissez faire interpretation of theConstitution that were valuable to industrialists of theera: the liberty of contract principle as a limitation onpolice power of the states, and the public purposelimitation on state and federal tax power. To support hisanalysis of the writings of these authors, Jacobs examinesrelevant federal and state cases.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |