LAWS OF TEXAS 1822-1897.Gammel, Hans Peter NielsonItem #: 8498 Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2004. Subjects: JURISPRUDENCE, LEGAL HISTORY, STATE LAW This monumental compilation includes all materials relatingto congressional and legislative sessions as well as othersignificant documents. Taken together, these materialsoffer an incomparable guide to early Texas history. Indeed,C.W. Raines, the state librarian, praises Gammel in theintroduction, noting "these volumes are in the nature oforiginal evidence for the student of our jurisprudence, andthat nowhere else can it be so well studied as to itsorigin, character, successive changes, and its presentstatus as a blended system of the Roman Civil Law and theCommon Law of England (Vol. 1, v). Published over onehundred years ago, it remains an invaluable resource.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |