LEARNED IN THE LAW; OR EXAMPLES AND ENCOURAGEMENTS FROM THE LIVES OF EMINENT LAWYERSAdams, W.H. DavenportItem #: 8568 Pages: vi, 392 pp. Published: London; S.W. Partridge & Co.; 1882. Reprinted in 2002. Subjects: BIOGRAPHY/WRITINGS ON LEGAL MINDS, UNITED KINGDOM A set of biographical sketches of eminent jurists from the17th through 19th centuries, including Lord Bacon, JohnSelden, the Earl of Mansfield, Sir Williams Jones, and LordBrougham. Conceived for young readers, Adams offers aseries of "Great Man" portraits in the manner of Carlyle inthe hope that their lives will encourage emulation. Adamstherefore emphasizes the outstanding moral character,determination, and diligence of his subjects and theircrucial contributions to Britain. Like many Victorians,Adams feared that the need for professional specializationcreated by the growth of science and industry wouldeliminate the type of well-rounded personality dear to theEnglish.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |