LECTURES ON JURISPRUDENCE OR THE PHILOSOPHY OF POSITIVE LAW FIFTH EDITIONAustin, JohnItem #: 8583 Published: London; John Murray; 1885. Reprinted in 2005. Subjects: JURISPRUDENCE Reprint of the fifth edition of Austin's magnum opus.Austin was the founder of English analytical jurisprudenceand the first to subject the law to inductive analysis.First published in 1861, this work is a landmark in thedevelopment of modern legal thought. Its most importantcontributions were the strict delimitation of law and itsdistinction from morality, elaboration of the idea of law asa kind of command and the close examination of such commonlegal terms as right, duty, liberty, injury and punishment.The editions edited by Campbell had a profound influence onAnglo-American jurisprudential thinking. This is especiallytrue of this edition, which is widely regarded as the best.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |