LEGAL AND POLITICAL HERMENEUTICS OR PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION AND CONSTRUCTION IN LAW AND POLITICS, WITH REMARKS ON PRECEDENTS AND AUTHORITIES...Lieber, FrancisItem #: 8606 Pages: xii,240p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2002. Subjects: COMMUNICATIONS, JURISPRUDENCE The Hermeneutics was intended as a chapter of his PoliticalEthics, but became so extended that it was publishedseparately. His distinction between interpretation andconstruction had great influence among legal writers of hisday. The first is 'the art of finding out the true sense ofany form of words' in the sense which the author intended toconvey, while construction is the drawing of conclusionsrespecting subjects that lie outside the direct expressionof the text. Constitutions should be construed closely, heholds, since their words have been carefully weighed. Thetreatise received high commendation from Chancellor Kent,Henry Clay, Rufus Choate, and others.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |