LEGAL INFORMATION BUYER'S GUIDE AND REFERENCE MANUALSvengalis, Kendall F.Item #: 8665 ISBN: 9781733088947 Pages: 1205p. Published: Guilford; New England LawPress; 2021. Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY, LEGAL EDUCATION, LEGAL PROFESSION This now classic serial publication is the oldest, most exhaustive, and most trusted consumer guide to legal information published in the United States.Covering all categories of legal information, it also contains the most extensive annotated bibliography of legal treatises on the market, state legal bibliographies, and a wealth of pricing and supplementation cost data. The Revised 2021 Edition includes the most significant enhancements since the book was first published in 1996, including: invaluable introductions to each of 87 subject categories, providing subject overview, sources of law, and useful Internet sites; 128 pages of new material, as well as updating of existing content, now totaling 1,205 pages in all; more than 150 new treatises, reference titles, and other product reviews; recent industry developments and acquisitions, including profit margins; updated information on Fastcase, Law360, and other online providers; and cumulative supplementation cost data going back 26 years to guide your acquisitions and de-acquisitions decisions.