LEX MERCATORIA REDIVIVA; OR, A COMPLETE CODE OF COMMERCIAL LAW: BEING A GENERAL GUIDE TO ALL MEN IN BUSINESS; WHETHER AS TRADERS, REMITTERS, OWNERS...Beawes, WyndhamItem #: 8812 Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2004. Subjects: BUSINESS/ECONOMICS, COMMERCIAL LAW Reprint of the sixth edition. Considerably enlarged andimproved by Thomas Mortimer. Beawes was a merchant and hisbook was intended to be "a guide to all men in business."Nonetheless the Lex Mercatoria was often cited in court, andits authority formed the basis of several decisions. It wasespecially influential in the United States, where,according to Kent, it was considered "an authority inmercantile customs." Kent, Commentaries on AmericanLaw III:126.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |