MARITIME LAW OF EUROPEItem #: 9185 Published: New York; George Forman for I. Riley & Co.; Subjects: ADMIRALTY Reprint of the first and only American edition and onlyedition in the English language. This systematic work on themaritime law of Europe, of great influence on the prize lawsrelating to the legality of the capture of goods and vesselsat sea, as well as for the analysis of Rhodian laws and theConsolato del Mare. "The English translation from theFrench, by William Johnson is excellent, and his notes showa familiarity and accurate acquaintance with legal andclassical antiquities.": Marvin, Legal Bibliography (1847)82.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |