ACCOUNT OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLIC RECORDS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE RECORD COMMISSIONERS: TOGETHER WITH OTHER MISCELLANEOUS, HISTORICAL, AND ANTIQUARIAN...Cooper, Charles PurtonItem #: 92 Pages: 2v. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2004. Subjects: LEGAL HISTORY, UNITED KINGDOM Cooper was a distinguished lawyer and antiquarian. He was aFellow of the Royal Society, a Fellow of the Society ofAntiquities and a corresponding member of the royalacademies of Lisbon, Munich, Berlin and Brussels. He wasappointed by the Public Records Commission to locate allsignificant state records in England, Scotland, Wales andIreland, describe their physical condition and summarizetheir contents. This extraordinary body of materialincludes such landmarks as The Statutes of the Realm, TheExon Domesday and the Red Book of the Exchequer. Cooperfulfilled this daunting task with enviable skill. What ismore, he added annotations that discuss the significance,reception history, provenance and other notable features.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |