U.S. Congressional Documents
The complete Congressional Record bound volume set from its inception, plus its three predecessor titles, congressional hearings, the U.S. Congressional Serial Set and more.
About the U.S. Congressional Documents Database
As laid out in the United States Constitution, the task of writing national legislation lies with the U.S. Congress, a bicameral branch of government consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Congressional Record is the official record of U.S. congressional documents and the Congressional process. At the end of each session of Congress, the daily versions of this record are incorporated into bound volumes that eventually become the permanent Congressional Record.
HeinOnline’s U.S. Congressional Documents database features the complete Congressional Record bound volume set (1873-present), as well as its three predecessor titles: Annals of Congress (1789-1824), Register of Debates (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873). In addition to containing the most complete account of congressional matters to date, this database includes other documents from the legislative branch, including the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, congressional hearings, committee prints, Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports, and more.
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Database Tools and Features
Daily to Bound Locator
Quickly locate a page from the Congressional Record Daily within the bound volume or vice versa. Learn more.
Congressional Hearings
Peruse nearly 81,000 congressional hearings that analyze crucial policy information using the Hearings Quick Finder tool.
Committee Prints
Use the Committee Prints Quick Finder tool in the same way to locate more than 9,100 committee prints.
U.S. Congressional Serial Set
Access the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, the official historical record of the U.S. government, spanning more than 17,000 bound volumes.
Congressional Research Sevice Reports
Find tens of thousands of research reports written for members of Congress and issued to clearly define legislative issues.
Congressional Budget Office Publications
View the published and unpublished reports of the CBO from 1975 forward, with cost estimates and mandate statements.