English Reports
Exact page images of the original bound reprint edition of The English Reports, along with the Statutes of the Realm (1235-1713), and pre-1865 law reports for England and Wales.

About HeinOnline's English Reports
HeinOnline’s English Reports database delivers exact page images of the original bound reprint edition of The English Reports, a collection of judgments of the higher English Courts between 1220 and 1866. The full reprint edition contains more than 100,000 cases along with a two-volume index of cases and citations as recorded as they appear in the original reports. Also included in the database are the Statutes of the Realm (the authoritative collection of Acts of the Parliament of England from 1235-1713), pre-1865 law reports for England and Wales, and a unique Case Locator tool for quick and easy navigation.
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Database Tools and Features
Case Locator Tool
Locate a case by its name, citation (English Reports or Nominative), or by performing a keyword search with the handy Case Locator.

Pre-1865 Law Reports
Access nearly 350 volumes of pre-1865 law reports in their original form, and covering the period before the commencement of The English Reports.
Statutes of the Realm
Pull up the authoritative collection of Acts of the Parliament of England from the 1200s through the 1700s with digital access to the Statutes of the Realm.

Authoritative Image-Based PDFs
Peruse the original pages of English legal history with the ease of an online database via HeinOnline's true-to-print image-based PDFs.
Multiple Browse Options
Browse the online collection as if holding the actual historical books in your hands with the ability to browse by volume, index, or by the Book of Charts.